who we are


Sanctuary Church is beginning its church planting journey in Providence, RI after residing in East Greenwich as a part of Christ Church for the last few years.

Our decision to plant in the city was due to a clear call by God to serve our community which was predominantly made up of people who lived in, or were already serving in the Providence.

In addition…

Our leaders lived and served here.

Our outreach work was here.

Our partner churches in the city were excited for us.

And God allowed for us to continue with coaching, accountability, and resources by our denomination.

We have recently begun our launch gatherings and are looking forward to the work ahead.


we are a community of people who are learning what it means to follow Jesus.

we believe the world is desperately in need of people who will break themselves open and pour themselves out for what Jesus calls the reconciliation of all things.

we are learning to follow Jesus – in his truth telling, generosity, forgiveness, and radical love.

a Jesus who loves us exactly where we are and loves us far too much to let us stay there.

a Jesus whose body was broken and His blood poured out as an act of love for the healing of the world.

a God who is looking for a body of people to do the same.

we hope Sanctuary is an open and safe place for you to be still, ask questions, wrestle with scripture, and sing freely.

whether you’re a follower of Christ, someone who is searching, a regular church attendee, or someone who is fed up with religion, we welcome you.

We are always longing to…

give hope to the hopeless, together.
serve the poor and oppressed together
sing together.
eat together.
pray together.
wrestle with the Scriptures together.
take care of one another’s needs together.
proclaim the Gospel together.
be the hands and feet of Jesus.

but we mess it all up a lot.