baptism: may 2011

This Sunday night some people from our church family are going to be baptized!
This Sunday night we are going to spend a good portion of our time singing!
This Sunday night we are going to end our evening with a feast!

If you are interested in joining those who are being baptized, please email us right away at or call the main office at 884.8632.
**All are welcome – this IS NOT for Sanctuary attendees only.

For us, the question is “Can things change?” Baptism is a picture of the healing, liberation, and change that Jesus has unleashed in people.
We invite you to participate in baptism. It is an opportunity to publicly identify yourself with Jesus in his death and resurrection. This is a powerful and beautiful opportunity to declare…
that you have made Jesus the Lord of your life;
that the best possible way to live is the way of Jesus;
and that you are committed to following Christ-daily, dying to yourself and allowing the resurrected Christ to live in and through you.

Baptism is not a means of salvation; rather it is a beautiful picture of our union with Christ and our declaring that we join him as the church in the reconciliation of all things.

.We believe the scripture asks the urgent question… what prevents you from turning to Jesus and being baptized?

Join us in singing, eating, and celebrating.